If you’ve ever wondered what makes a Pinnacle Team Events facilitator tick then you have come to the right place! Each month we will be taking 5 minutes to chat with each of our facilitators about their lives both inside and outside of work.
What I love about being a Pinnacle Facilitator:
Being outdoors, working with some of the best people I know, and seeing our delegates get such enjoyment from what we do with them.
My favourite Pinnacle team event to facilitate:
Although I love being outdoors, my favourite event to facilitate is actually an indoor event – Tikes on Bikes – without a doubt my most loved.
Most embarrassing moment as a Pinnacle facilitator:
Receiving a cheque from a client and mistakenly throwing it in the bin with other rubbish from the car whilst stopped at a service station on the way home after the event.
My favourite hobbies are:
Swimming, yoga, eating healthy food, going on adventures and being with my loved ones.
What I’m listening to at the moment/podcast recommendation:
Guided meditation for birthing, lol. As I am about to have my second baby!
What was the last book you read?:
Unmasked by Turia Pitt
Favourite holiday?:
My honeymoon in 2015 to Central America
Have you ever had a nickname?:
I am frightened by _____ :
Favourite movie of all time:
The Book Thief
First concert I went to:
Elton John. My parents took me when I was 12 years old
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?:
Newcastle is pretty hard to beat!! As long as it’s near a beach and with my family i’m happy!!
What makes you angry:
When I see people get up and leave their rubbish behind after eating.
What makes you laugh the most:
Watching people trying to fold up collapsible beach tents when they have no idea how to do it
What song would you sing at karaoke night?:
You’re the voice – John Farnham